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Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(1): 75-81, Jan.-Feb. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-899247


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the anatomic variations of the bicipital aponeurosis (BA) (lacertus fibrosus) and its implications for the compression of the median nerve, which is positioned medially to the brachial artery, passing under the bicipital aponeurosis. Methods: Sixty upper limbs of 30 cadavers were dissected, 26 of which were male and four, female; of the total, 15 had been previously preserved in formalin and glycerine and 15 were dissected fresh in the Laboratory of Anatomy. Results: In 55 limbs, short and long heads of the biceps muscle contributed to the formation of the BA, and the most significant contribution was always from the short head. In three limbs, only the short head contributed to the formation of the BA. In two limbs, the BA was absent. The length of the bicipital aponeurosis from its origin to its insertion ranged from 4.5 to 6.2 cm and its width, from 0.5 to 2.6 cm. In 42 limbs, the BA was thickened; of these, in 27 it was resting directly on the median nerve, and in 17 a high insertion of the humeral head of the pronator teres muscle was found, and the muscle was interposed between the BA and the median nerve. Conclusion: These results suggest that a thickened BA may be a potential factor for nerve compression, by narrowing the space through which the median nerve passes.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as variações anatômicas da aponeurose bicipital (lacertus fibrosus) e suas implicações na compressão do nervo mediano, que passa sob a aponeurose bicipital (AB) e se posiciona medialmente à artéria braquial. Método: Foram dissecados 60 membros superiores de 30 cadáveres adultos, 26 do sexo masculino e quatro do feminino; 15 haviam sido previamente preservados em formol e glicerina e 15 foram dissecados a fresco no Laboratório de Anatomia. Resultados: Em 55 membros, a AB recebia contribuição das cabeças curta e longa do musculo bíceps braquial, a contribuição mais significativa foi sempre da cabeça curta. Em três membros recebia contribuição exclusiva da cabeça curta. Em dois membros, a AB estava ausente. O comprimento da AB desde sua origem até sua inserção variou entre 4,5 e 6,2 cm e sua largura entre 0,5 e 2,6 cm. Em 42 membros, a AB apresentava-se espessada, em 27 apoiava-se diretamente sobre o nervo mediano e em 17 havia inserção alta da cabeça umeral do músculo pronador redondo, de forma que o músculo ficava interposto entre a AB e o nervo mediano. Conclusão: Esses resultados sugerem que a AB espessada pode ser um dos fatores potenciais da compressão nervosa, por estreitar o espaço no qual passa o nervo mediano.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Cadaver , Musculoskeletal Abnormalities , Nerve Compression Syndromes
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 28(2): 153-167, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-740944


Introducción: la deformidad de Madelung es consecuencia de una alteración de crecimiento de la fisis distal del radio. Puede ocasionar dolor y pérdida de la función. Objetivos: revisar el estado actual de la enfermedad y conocer los resultados de una serie de pacientes, que han recibido tratamiento quirúrgico. Métodos: se trata de una serie de casos de pacientes (12 pacientes) recopilados entre los años 2005-2012, que fueron tratados en la consulta de cirugía de mano (entre 2005 y 2012). Los procedimientos quirúrgicos usados fueron osteotomía de radio con placa o con tutor, osteotomía de cúbito (de acortamiento y corrección angular) y resección distal del cúbito (Darrach). Se estudiaron variables de movilidad, radiología y satisfacción de la cirugía. Se analizaron los datos radiológicos de inclinación cubital y de inclinación del semilunar, además, de un análisis cualitativo de la corrección del cúbito. Resultados: en los 8 pacientes operados (11 muñecas: 9 corrección de la angulación del radio mediante osteotomías, y 2 con tutor), los resultados estéticos fueron buenos. En cuanto a la función, todos los parámetros de movilidad mejoraron. En las 7 muñecas en las que se realizó Darrach, mejoró el aspecto dorsal de la muñeca. Luego de poco tiempo no se observó traslación cubital del carpo. El aspecto radiológico mejoró notablemente: la inclinación cubital del radio cambió de 37º prequirúrgico a 28º posquirúrgico, y el ángulo de fosa del semilunar de 55º a 36º, respectivamente. Conclusiones: lo reducido de la serie y el poco tiempo de seguimiento constituye una limitación de este estudio, aunque se muestra que con la combinación oportuna de algunas técnicas de cirugía, se pueden lograr mejorías estéticas y funcionales en la deformidad de Madelung(AU)

Introduction: Madelung deformity is due to a growth disturbance of distal radius physis. It can cause pain and loss of function. Objectives: to review the current status of this disease and the results of a series of patients who received surgical treatment. Methods: this is a case series of patients (12 patients) collected from 2005 to 2012, which were treated in hand surgery consultation. Radio osteotomy plate or guardian ulna osteotomy (shortening and angular correction) and distal resection of the ulna (Darrach) were the surgical procedures used. Mobility variables, radiology, and surgery satisfaction were studied. Ulnar inclination and the lunate tilt radiological data were analyzed; also a qualitative analysis of the correction of the ulna was conducted. Results: in the 8 patients operated (11 wrists: 9 angle correction by osteotomy of the radius, and 2 with tutor), the aesthetic results were good. In terms of function, all mobility parameters improved. In the 7 cases of wrist where Darrach was performed, the dorsal aspect of the wrist improved. After a short time, no ulnar translation of the carpus was observed. The radiographic appearance markedly improved: the ulnar inclination changed from preoperative 37º to postoperative 28º and the lunate fossa angle changed from 55° to 36°, respectively. Conclusions: the smallness of the series and the short follow-up time is a limitation of this study, although it is shown that with the right combination of some surgical techniques aesthetic and functional improvements in Madelung deformity can be achieved(AU)

Introduction: la déformation de Madelung est due à une altération de la croissance distale du radius. Elle peut provoquer une douleur et une perte de la fonction. Objectifs: le but de cette étude est de réviser l'état actuel de la maladie et de connaître les résultats d'une série de patients ayant subi un traitement chirurgical. Méthodes: il s'agit d'une série de 12 patients traités entre 2005 et 2012 au Service de chirurgie de main. Les gestes chirurgicaux utilisés ont compris l'ostéotomie du radius par plaque ou par tuteur, l'ostéotomie de cubitus (raccourcissement et correction angulaire), et la résection distale du cubitus (Darrach). Des variables de mobilité, de radiologie et de satisfaction de la chirurgie ont été examinées. Les données radiologiques de la pente du cubitus et de la pente du semi-lunaire, ainsi qu'une analyse qualitative de la correction du cubitus, ont été évaluées. Résultats: on a réussi des résultats esthétiques très bons chez les 8 patients opérés (11 poignets: 9 corrections de l'angulation du radius par ostéotomie, et 2 corrections par tuteur. Tous les paramètres de mobilité par rapport au plan fonctionnel sont améliorés. L'image dorsale des 7 poignets opérés par la technique de Darrach est améliorée. Puis à près, la translation cubitale du carpe a disparu. L'image radiologique est remarquablement améliorée ; il y a eu un changement pré- et postopératoire de la pente cubitale du radius respectivement de 37° à 28°, et de l'angle de la fossette du semi-lunaire respectivement de 55° à 36°. Conclusions: quoique la faiblesse du nombre de la série et du temps du suivi ait limité cette étude, on a démontré que la combinaison de quelques techniques chirurgicales peut aboutir à l'amélioration esthétique et fonctionnelle de la déformation de Madelung(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Osteotomy/methods , Congenital Abnormalities , Lipomatosis, Multiple Symmetrical , Elbow/surgery , Wrist/surgery
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 64(5): 1156-1160, out. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-655886


Compararam-se os achados musculotendinosos e osteoarticulares encontrados em cães com luxação patelar medial, por meio do exame ortopédico realizado com e sem anestesia geral. Para tal, foram utilizados 11 joelhos de 10 cães, sem distinção de sexo, idade e raça, os quais apresentaram luxação patelar medial dos graus II, III e IV, diagnosticada clinicamente. O exame ortopédico específico da articulação do joelho foi realizado previamente à cirurgia, com o animal sem anestesia, e, no dia da cirurgia, com o cão já anestesiado. Verificou-se, quanto aos achados osteoarticulares, que não houve diferenças. Já em relação aos achados musculotendinosos, houve diferença entre as avaliações do movimento de gaveta e dos músculos sartório e retofemoral.

This study aimed to compare the osteoarticular and musculotendineal findings in dogs with medial patellar luxation by orthopedic examination performed with and without general anesthesia. For this we used 11 knees of 10 dogs without distinction of sex, age and race, which had medial patellar luxation in grades II, III and IV, diagnosed clinically. The specific orthopedic examination of the knee joint was performed prior to surgery with the non-anaesthetised dog, and on the day of surgery with the same patient already anesthetized. Regarding the osteoarticular results, no differences were found. In relation to the musculotendineal results, differences were observed between the assessments of the drawer movement and sartorius and rectum femoral muscle tension.

Animals , Dogs , Musculoskeletal Abnormalities/veterinary , Patellar Dislocation/diagnosis , Patellar Dislocation/veterinary , Orthopedics/veterinary , Medical Examination/analysis , Stifle/surgery